Award ceremony 2017 of the Friedrich-August-von-Hayek-Stiftung

March 11, 2018 in the historic merchants' hall in Freiburg


In March 2018, the Foundation honored Joachim Gauck with the International Prize of the Friedrich-August-von-Hayek-Stiftung and Heike Göbel with the Publishing Prize of the Friedrich-August-von-Hayek-Stiftung in the historic merchants' hall in Freiburg.

The event took place in a political climate characterized by challenges to democracy and the protection of individual rights, which once again underlined the relevance of Hayek's teachings.

Award recipient 2017

For contributions to freedom and the market economy

In honor of outstanding contributions to the spirit of freedom, the Friedrich-August-von-Hayek-Stiftung proudly presents the following awards to its 2017 award recipients:

International Prize:
Joachim Gauck

Publishing Prize:
Heike Göbel

Speeches and honors

Manuscripts for reading


Laudatory speech
Udo Di Fabio

Words of gratitude for the award of the Publishing Prize
Heike Göbel

Laudatory speech
Horst Köhler

Words of gratitude for the award of the International Prize
Joachim Gauck

